In the United States, Japan, Canada, Hungary, and the Philippines, the worm used as a mixture of biscuits and beverages. Animals are also used as medicine as antipyrn, antipyretic and antidote. A number of substances that are beneficial to humans is contained in it.
According to Bambang Sudiarto, researchers from the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung Institute of Ecology, worms are a very high source of protein, about 76 percent. That means meat that is higher than only 65 percent, and soybeans are only 45 percent. Added, earthworms also contains 15 kinds of amino acids with a very high level. This substance is commonly used to constrict or dilate blood vessels. Other studies, pharetima contain minerals and some inorganic acids. In addition, these animals also contains lumbrofebrin, lumbritin, terre strolumbrolysin, xanthine, adenine and hypoxabthine.
Further, Dr.. Kiswojo explained, laboratory studies showed efficacy against Pheretima have nervous system (soothe, relieve spasms, lower the heat, stop the pain), the cardiovascular system (blood pressure, normalize irregular heartbeat), the immunological system (improve immune), dilates the respiratory tract (as bronchodilatator), the blood circulation (to prevent thrombus formation, prevent blood clotting, destroying thrombus), atitumor (Pheretima extracts 912), stimulates uterine smooth muscle, kill sperm animal experiments. source: Asosiasi Kultur Vermi Indonesia (AKVI)
According to Bambang Sudiarto, researchers from the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung Institute of Ecology, worms are a very high source of protein, about 76 percent. That means meat that is higher than only 65 percent, and soybeans are only 45 percent. Added, earthworms also contains 15 kinds of amino acids with a very high level. This substance is commonly used to constrict or dilate blood vessels. Other studies, pharetima contain minerals and some inorganic acids. In addition, these animals also contains lumbrofebrin, lumbritin, terre strolumbrolysin, xanthine, adenine and hypoxabthine.
Further, Dr.. Kiswojo explained, laboratory studies showed efficacy against Pheretima have nervous system (soothe, relieve spasms, lower the heat, stop the pain), the cardiovascular system (blood pressure, normalize irregular heartbeat), the immunological system (improve immune), dilates the respiratory tract (as bronchodilatator), the blood circulation (to prevent thrombus formation, prevent blood clotting, destroying thrombus), atitumor (Pheretima extracts 912), stimulates uterine smooth muscle, kill sperm animal experiments. source: Asosiasi Kultur Vermi Indonesia (AKVI)